Then add the cardholder name that YOU want to specify to display, that is:ī4888603170607238 ^ Smith / John ^ (Last name first / First Name) So, how to make Track 1 from Track take our card number from our Track 2, in our case it is:Īdd the letter 'B' at the beginning of the card number like this: When you see the letter 'B' at the beginning of the Track, it always means that it is Track 1 When you see an equal sign (=) in a Track, it always means that it is Track 2 United States of America <-Directly country Smith/John <-cardholder name (LASTNAME/FIRSTNAME)ĬREDIT <- Credit or Debit ( in our case, Credit)
How to make Track 1 from Track2 In this article I'll tell you how to make Track 1 using Track 2